"Kaaba der Abstraktionen" (sa-um und abstraction, zwei verfahren aus zweihundert moglichen), 1986 in book by Rea Nikonova und Serge Segay: "Transponance Transfurismus", Siegen, Germany, 1989 p.19-32
"Meine Idee ist die �berschreitung der Grenzen" in book "I am a networker (sometimes): H. R. Fricker, Mail-art und tourism im network der 80er Jahre", St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989, S.97
"Lo stile del vuoto" nella cartolina" in catalogue "La Posta in Gioco", Uffizi, Firenze, Italy, 1990, pp.68-69
"Soviet Censorship" - in the magazine "Artists newsletter", Jan.. 1991, England, 1990, p.4
"My books" - in catalogue "Art is books", Provinciale Centrale Openbare Bibiotheek, Hesselt, Belgium, 1991, p.22-23
"Half mail-art" in the catalogue "Mail-art manual", Wellen, Belgium, 1991, p.26
"The Word is Unnecessary as Such" in ARTIST'S BOOK YEARBOOK, 1994-95, Magpie Press, Great Britain, pp. 84-85
"My Range" in the book "Phonetic Waves" by Rea Nikonova, ASFI Editions, Canada, 1992
"Devices Used in My Literary Production" in the book "Phonetic Waves"
"42 dreams about mail-art" (1988-1989) in the book "Eternal Network", Chuck Welsh, University of Calgary Press, Canada, 1995, pp. 95-99