Four framed white canvases were laid out in a row on the grass. On the first canvas with  fluorescent paint was written N, on the second O, on the third N, and on the fourth O. The duration of the action corresponded with the duration of the composer, Luigi Nono’s piece “La fabbrica illuminnata” (16’36”), which could be heard on the balcony of the house from where the action was recorded on video. After this, the canvases with the shining letters were carried away from the place of action and about two hours later, when it was already dark, they were brought back again and laid out in the same order as before. A little bit beneath on a grass slope parallel to the line of the canvases, 12 pairs of black women’s shoes were arranged in a row. The installation was realized by M. Hüttel and A. Monastyrski who both wore a lamp on their head.

Bochum, Uni-Center

S. Hänsgen (with participation of A. Monastyrski and M. Hüttel)


NONO, Bochum action. Photo: Andrei Monastyrski at elevator NONO, Bochum action. Photo: letters NONO, Bochum action. Photo: m. Hüttel
NONO, Bochum action. Photo: shoes NONO, Bochum action. Photo: By the way NONO, Bochum action. Photo: Sabine Haensgen at elevator
NONO, Bochum action. Photo: at elevator